1996.09-2000.06 杏鑫平台物理系学士学位
2000.09-2003.06 杏鑫平台物理系硕士学位
2003.09-2010.01 麻省理工学院(MIT)材料科学和工程系博士学位
2010.02-2013.09 麻省理工学院 化工系 博士后
2013.10-2015.08哈佛大学(Harvard University)工程和应用科学学院 博士后
课题组主页🤞🏻✋🏼: http://complexfluids.fudan.edu.cn/
国际顾问委员会委员 International Electrokinetics Society2019/6—至今
麻省理工学院研究生奖学金 (Gilbert Y. Chin Fellowship) 2003
杏鑫平台研究生奖学金(三星奖) 2002
国家青年海外高层次人才引进计划项目📒; 杏鑫平台引进人才科研启动项目
1.D. S. Deng, W. Aouad, W. Braff, S. Schlumpberger, M. Suss, M. Bazant, Water purification by shock electrodialysis: deionization, filtration, separation, and disinfection. Desalination 357, 77 (2015).
MIT Tech review: New Desalination Technique Also Cleans and Disinfects Water;
featured at physics today, processingmagazine, wateronline, rwlwater, among many others.
2.D. S. Deng, E. V. Dydek, S. Schlumpberger, J. H. Han, A. Mani, B. Zaltzman, and M. Z. Bazant, Over-limiting current and shock electrodialysis in porous media. Langmuir 29, 16167 (2013).
3.J. Kaufman, G. M. Tao, S. Shabahang, E. Banaei, D. S. Deng, X. D. Liang, S. G. Johnson, Y. Fink and A. F. Abouraddy, Structured spheres generated by an in-fiber fluid instability. Nature 487, 463 (2012).
Highlight News & Views, “Materials science: The abilities of instabilities.”Nature 487, 440 (2012).
MIT news: D. L. Chandler, Dripping faucets inspire new way of creating structured particles;
featured at PhysOrg, nanowerk.com, among many others.
UCF Today: B. Abney, UCF nanoparticle discovery opens door for pharmaceuticals;
featured at ScienceDaily, R&D magazine, sciencenewsline.com, bio-medicine.org, among many others.
Spektrum.de (German edition of Scientific American): M. Pollmann, Materialwissenschaft: Wasserhahn effekt produziert vielseitige Nanopartikel.
4.E. V. Dydek, B. Zaltzman, I. Rubinstein, D. S. Deng, A. Mani, and M. Z. Bazant, Overlimiting current in a microchannel. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 118301 (2011).
5.J. Kaufman, G. M. Tao, S. Shabahang, D. S. Deng, Y. Fink, and A. F. Abouraddy, Thermal drawing of high-density macroscopic arrays of well-ordered sub-5-nm-diameternanowires. Nano. Lett. 11, 4768, (2011)
6.S. Shabahang, J. Kaufman, D. S. Deng, and A. F. Abouraddy, Observation of the Plateau-Rayleigh capillary instability in multi-material optical fibers. Appl. Phys. Lett.99, 161909, (2011).
Invited paper in Nov 7, 2011, issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
7.X. Liang, D. S. Deng, J. C. Nave and S. G. Johnson, Linear stability analysis of capillary instabilities in concentrical shells, J. Fluid. Mech. 683, 235, (2011).
8.D. S. Deng, X. Liang, J. C. Nave, S. G. Johnson, and Y. Fink, Exploration of in-fiber nanostructures from capillary instability, Opt. Express. 19, 16273, (2011).
9.D. S. Deng, N. D. Orf, S. Danto, A. F. Abouraddy, J. D. Joannopoulos, and Y. Fink, Processing and properties of centimeter-long, in-fiber, crystalline-selenium filaments, Appl. Phys.Lett.96,023102,(2010).
10.D. S. Deng, N. D. Orf, A. F. Abouraddy, A. M. Stolyarov, J. D. Joannopoulos,H. A. Stone and Y. Fink, In-fiber semiconductor filaments arrays, Nano Letter. 8, 4265, (2008).
MIT CMSE Highlights: A new process for creating in-fiber semiconductor filament arrays. (2009)
11.D. S. Deng, X. F. Jin, and Ruibao Tao, Temperature-driven dynamical phase transition: Spin reorientation in antiferromagnetism, Phys. Rev. B 69,172403, (2004).
12.D. S. Deng, X. F. Jin, and Ruibao Tao, Magnon gap in periodic anisotropic magnetic superlattice, Phys. Rev. B 66, 104435, (2002).
13.D. S. Deng, X. F. Jin, and Ruibao Tao, Exchange bias in ferromagnetic/compensated antiferromagnetic bilayers, Phys. Rev. B65, 172402, (2002).
14.D. S. Deng, X. F. Jin, and Ruibao Tao, Antiferromagnetic domains in a two-dimensional Heisenberg square lattice, Phys. Rev. B 65, 132406, (2002).
15.Y. J. Jiang, D. S. Deng, RuibaoTao, Evidence of stripe formation tendency in t-J model, Physica C377, 85, (2002).
1.D. S. Deng, N. Orf, A. Abouraddy, Y. Fink, In-fiber filament production, U.S. Patent No.9,263,614 (2016).
2. M. Z. Bazant, E. V. Dydek, D. S. Deng, A. Mani, Desalination and purification system, US Patent No. 8,999,132 (2015).
3. M. Z. Bazant, E. V. Dydek, D. S. Deng, A. Mani, Method and apparatus for desalination and purification, US Patent No. 8,801,910 (2014).
4.Y. Fink, S. Johnson, D. S. Deng, and X. Liang, Structured spheres generated by an in-fiber fluid instability, MIT Case No. 15704J.