08年8月-09年1月,加拿大MITACS⛈,Partner Researcher
08年8月-09年8月,加拿大约克大学,访问学者📬,导师🚺:Prof. Huaxiong Huang
2005年获中华中医药学会科学进步三等奖一项(证书号👨🦯➡️:200503-28 JC-10-R-07📰🧑🏻🎓,第七完成人)
2005-2006年度上海高校优秀青年教师后备人选 (No.04YQHB005)🧑🚀。
2008年上海高校优秀青年教师 (No.YQ08019)
上海市针灸经络研究中心, 副理事长
1.ChongpengZhong,MingzhuSun,WeiYaoA hybrid model for HIV transmission among men who have sex with menInfectious Disease Modelling. 2020.WOS:000578960800004
2.Yao Wei,Shen Zhoufeng, Yu Yi and Ding Guanghong*. Mechanical effects of acupuncture. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2020, 43:1555–64.
3.Yu Yi, Yao Wei* and Ding Guanghong. A Mathematical Model to Study the Mechanical Information Induced by Lifting-Thrusting Needle. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Volume 2019, Article ID 5475426, 13 pages.
4.Yu, Yi, Shi Yi, Yao Wei *, Dynamic model of tuberculosis considering multi-drug resistance and their applications, Infectious Disease Modelling, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idm.2018.11.001
5.Yang Hongwei, Liu Xinyue, Shen Zhoufeng, Yao Wei *, Gong Xiaobo*, Huang Huaxiong, Ding Guanghong. An investigation of the distribution and location of mast cells affected by the stiffness of substrates as a mechanical niche. Int J Biol Sci 2018; 14(9):1142-1152
6.Yao Wei.,Yi Yu☺️,Guanghong Ding. A hybrid method to study the mechanical information induced by needle rotating. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences , 2018 , 39 (18) :5131-5139. https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.5111
7.Yin Na, Yang Hongwei, Yao Wei.*, Xia Ying, Ding Guanghong. Mast cells and nerve signal conduction in acupuncture. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2018, Article ID 3524279, 9 pages.
8.Yao Wei, Huang Huaxiong and Robert M. Miura. Role of Astrocyte in Cortical Spreading Depression: A Quantitative Model of Neuron-Astrocyte Network. Communications in Computational Physics. 2018, 23: 440-458
9.Yin Na, Yang Hongwei, Yao Wei *, Ding Guanghong. A mathematical model of histamine-mediated neural activation during acupuncture. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2017, 16(5): 1659-1668.
10.Yao Wei Yang Hongwei. Li Yabei. Ding Guanghong. Dynamics of Calcium Signal and Leukotriene C4 Release in Mast Cells Network Induced by Mechanical Stimuli and Modulated by Interstitial Fluid Flow. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2016; 8(1): 67 – 81
11.Shen Zhoufeng, Li Yabei,Yao Wei.*🚇,A scale-free network model for HIV transmission among men who have sex with men in China🧑💻,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences , 2016 , 39 (18) :5131-5139
12.Yao Wei Yin Na. Yang Hongwei. Ding Guanghong. A Mathematical Model for the Instigation and Transmission of Biological. Communications in Computational Physics.2015, 18: 868-880
13.Yao Wei. Yang Hongwei. Yin Na. Ding Guanghong. Mast Cell-Nerve Cell Interaction at Acupoint: Modeling Mechanotransduction Pathway Induced by Acupuncture. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2014; 10(5): 511-519. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.8631
14.Yao Wei. Huang Huaxiong. Ding Guanghong. A dynamic model of calcium signaling in mast cells and LTC4 release induced by mechanical stimuli. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2014,5(10): 956–963, DOI 10.1007/s11434-013-0110-8
15.Yao, Wei. Li Yabei. Chen Nan. Analytic solutions for the interstitial fluid flow models. Journal of Hydrodynamics. 2013, 25(5):683-694
16.Yao Wei. Shen Zhoufeng. Ding Guanghong. Simulation of Interstitial Fluid Flow in Ligaments: Comparison Among Stokes, Brinkman and Darcy Models. International Journal of Biological Science. 2013; 9(10):1050-1056
17.Yao Wei. Yang Hongwei. Ding Guanghong. Mechanisms of Qi-blood circulation and Qi deficiency syndrome in view of blood and interstitial fluid circulation. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2013, 33(4): 538-544
18.Yao Wei. Li Yabei. Ding Guanghong. Interstitial Fluid Flow: The Mechanical Environment of Cells and Foundation of Meridians. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Article ID 853516, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2012/853516 (2012)
19.Yao Wei. Huang Huaxiong. Miura RM. A Continuum Neuronal Model for the Instigation and Propagation of Cortical Spreading Depression. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 2011, 73 (11): 2773-2790
20.Yao Wei.Ding Guanghong.Interstitial fluid flow: Simulation of mechanical environment of cells in the interosseous membrane. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2011,27(4):602-610